Saturday, February 27, 2010

Art mobile gets a new "homey" look!

I absolutely love our quirky right hand drive Mitsubishi Delica. It's been the most fabulous art mobile ever. Last year in the summer I bought some really funky yellow chicken fabric on Ebay to make curtains for it. Because, what's a hippie van without curtains?

This Valentine's Day I asked TheBoy if we could work on a project together. He agreed and the day was spent cutting fabric (for him) and sewing cool chicken curtains (for me).

And VOILA! We're done and couldn't be happier.
I know, you're in awe at the coolness. So am I ;)
(and yes, I made pillows too!)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Blog!

I'm really excited to have this new blog all set up. It's a new year and there are lots of exciting new adventures to be had.

*does the SuperArtGirl happy dance*